Mr. Saindon / United States History
Monday, January 13
Friday, January 17
What is Due This Week:
1. Wrap UP and Finish: Students will MEMORIZE the First Amendment and recite in class by on by Friday
2. Prepare for the Supreme Court Simulation with mock case: Ben Brewer v. Hamilton High School:
To shed light on the landmark case: Tinker vs. Des Moines. Debate will be Thursday and Friday. The expectations, rules, and requirements Will ALL BE COVERED IN CLASS
3. Wednesday to Friday we will Thoroughly Examine ( the Major Achievements of our First Three Presidents (this will all be completed in class):
George Washington
Federalist v. Anti Federalist
the first cabinet
Farewell Address
John Adams
Election friction
England v. France
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark
Agrarian society
Through the lesson plan on "Tinker v. Des Moines" and the Simulation, students will:
👉understand the concept of symbolic speech
👉analyze the Supreme Court's decision regarding student First Amendment rights in school
👉identify the key arguments from both sides of the case, and apply the precedent set in Tinker to contemporary scenarios where student expression might be restricted;
🤔ultimately allowing us all to critically evaluate the balance between student free speech and school authority to maintain order.
👉Simulate the development and presentation of a
Supreme Court argument
The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The impact of this trip and the experiences your child will have on this journey will:
Open their eyes to the world
Provide a point of reference for all future learnings
Give meaning and context to the happenings here in our own country and throughout the world.
Research-Study After Research-Study
The Positive Affects Of
Student Travel:
Student-travel provides a wonderful experience strengthening the
knowledge base and critical thinking skills in so many areas
Student-travel develops self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility
Student-travel creates a resolve and commitment to life-long learning
The Itinerary
Download and print the Itinerary. Conduct your own research on a few of the sites that we will be visiting. Check out the hotels and restaurants. We will be out the door every morning between 6:30am and 7:30am and back, for good night's sleep in our hotel between 9:00pm and 10:00pm.