Mr. Saindon / United States History
Monday, January 13
Friday, January 17
What is Due This Week:
1. Wrap UP and Finish: Students will MEMORIZE the First Amendment and recite in class by on by Friday
2. Prepare for the Supreme Court Simulation with mock case: Ben Brewer v. Hamilton High School:
To shed light on the landmark case: Tinker vs. Des Moines. Debate will be Thursday and Friday. The expectations, rules, and requirements Will ALL BE COVERED IN CLASS
3. Wednesday to Friday we will Thoroughly Examine ( the Major Achievements of our First Three Presidents (this will all be completed in class):
George Washington
Federalist v. Anti Federalist
the first cabinet
Farewell Address
John Adams
Election friction
England v. France
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark
Agrarian society
Through the lesson plan on "Tinker v. Des Moines" and the Simulation, students will:
👉understand the concept of symbolic speech
👉analyze the Supreme Court's decision regarding student First Amendment rights in school
👉identify the key arguments from both sides of the case, and apply the precedent set in Tinker to contemporary scenarios where student expression might be restricted;
🤔ultimately allowing us all to critically evaluate the balance between student free speech and school authority to maintain order.
👉Simulate the development and presentation of a
Supreme Court argument
The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Black History Month
By the End of this Project on the African-American Experience, Students will:
Gain insight into African American history from slavery to the civil rights movement
Learn about individual people who shaped history by reading their biographies and researching the age in which they lived
Understand the causes and effects of the civil rights movement in America
Study the history of Jazz/Spirituals music to gain awareness of the cultural contributions made by this music and the role it played in the lives of African-Americans
Build nonfiction literacy skills as they read web-based articles for details and use a timeline to obtain information
Apply critical thinking skills to answer questions regarding controversial events related to the civil rights movement
Hone writing skills and vocabulary mastery as you develop your presentation
Develop and present an oral report /PSA using Powtunes or Google Slides that includes important research points and historical facts
PSA: Goals and Objectives
In this lesson, students will analyze tactics used to combat racism to design and deliver effective PSA messages. Then apply what they learn from numerous sources to create their own PSA storyboards. By Using Powtunes or Google Slides, students will work in small groups to create a creative PSA that challenges their peers to examine their own prejudices and biases and to be on guard against it.
Students will analyze the impact of communication and messaging on behavior and plan a clear message to help prevent/ raise awareness / and combat racism.
Conduct research
Write informative/explanatory text
Participate in collaborative discussions
Create artwork to support a concept
Master Google Slides or Powtune
Students will be able to:
Create through images, words, and explanation informative PSAs that incorporate research from multiple sources, reach the intended audience, and use various communication techniques to express a clear, accurate message that helps prevent faulty attitudes - racism -.