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George Washington

Unit Goal:

We will learn about the life and character of George Washington to promote knowledge of our heritage and history and inspire us to become model citizens of our global society.

Big Ideas:

The following ideas will be the focus of “We’re Learning by George” activities:

  • -  The American Revolution established the first and longest continuing democratic form of government in the modern world.

  • -  Most historical scholars agree that George Washington was a great man.

  • -  George Washington was an integral part of the American Revolution and the establishment of our democracy.

  • -  Great men and women make great citizens.

  • -  Greatness in men and women can come from studying and emulating greatness from those who have come before us.

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”
--President George Washington, who died December 14, 1799

PowerPoint on George Washington

Name________________                                                                 Period: ___

George Washington: The Man Who Wouldn’t be King

  1. Briefly recount Washington’s childhood experiences.






  1. Discuss Washington’s early military experiences in the French and Indian War.




  1. Explain the colonists’ grievances that led to the Revolutionary War and tell how Washington’s leadership helped win the war.




  1. Tell at least 5 accomplishments of Washington’s Presidency:



      5.  The most interesting thing I learned:





      6.  If I could meet George Washington, the one thing I would like to ask him is...





      7.  The advice I would have given George Washington is....






      8.  The thing I liked best about George Washington is ...








George Washington Part 1

George Washington Part 3

The Real George Washington

George Washington Biography

Spanish video

Objectives for: "THE CROSSING"

  • Students will analyze George Washington’s character as a military commander and his courageous actions in leading his troops against overwhelming obstacles to cross the Delaware River in order to attack British troops at Trenton, New Jersey.

  • Students will examine Washington’s demonstration of courage.

  • Students will understand why courage is an essential virtue in their own lives.

  • Students will act courageously in their own lives to protect freedom.

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