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Life in the West:

   What were the



                      and legacies

of the groups that moved west in the 1800's?


Scroll to the bottom for instructions on the Skits




There are 8 groups that moved WEST.

  Scroll down to see each of the groups:

Group 1:  The Explorers

John C. Freemont

           Zebulon Pike

Lewis and Clark:  Parts 1 and 2

Group 2:  The Californios

The Californios

California Missions

Juniper Serra and the California Missions Part 1

Juniper Serra and the California Missions Part 2

Group 3:  The Mountain Men

Mountain Men:  Jedediah Smith

Old West Legend Documentary

Mountain Man Documentary

Group 4:  The Missionaries

Group 5:  The Pioneer Women

Group 6:  The Mormons

Group 7:  The 49'ers  - Gold Rush

Group 8:  The Chinese

Group Skits 



Moving West

Act it Out

You be the Teacher

Dramatic Portrayal


Group Topic: ______________________________________________


Students: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You have three days to:


  • Read the text and questions in the Interactive Notebook

  • Research at home on the internet

  • Collect at least three pics and two maps to bring into class

  • Write a 5 to 10 minute skit that ‘tells the story’ and addresses the central questions in the I.N.

  • Your skit must address the MOTIVES    HARDSHIPS   and  LEGACIES of those groups moving west

  • Find a basic format and storyline and reinact/teach/portray what happened

  • Be creative

  • Put together simple costumes

  • Practice and perform a 5-10 minute skit with several scenes

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