Mr. Saindon / United States History
Monday, January 27
Friday, January 31
1. Monday we wrap up The Supreme Court Case"
Brown v. the Board of Education
*Watch the story of Ruby Bridges
2. Tuesday to Friday we will Thoroughly Examine ( the Major Achievements of our First Three Presidents (this will all be completed in class):
George Washington
Federalist v. Anti Federalist
the first cabinet
Farewell Address
John Adams
Election friction
England v. France
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark
Agrarian society
3. Review First Semester / Fill in Interactive Notebook
This week we will cover a number of topics:
1. Understand the impact Brown Vs. the Board of Education had on society
2. Learn about the establishment of our first government
3. See and learn about the evolution of the two-party system as half the nation supports the ideas of Jefferson and half the nation supports the ideas of Hamilton
4. Discover the greatness of our first president
The essential question for this unit of study on Colonial America and the American Revolution is “How did the development of the colonies lead to rebellion?”
The focus questions is, “What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
If you were living in the American Colonies, would you have been a Loyalist or a Patriot. Explain yourself.
How did the Colonists feel and what were they thinking?
Pretend you are living in the Colonies in the 1770’s, why are you a Loyalist or a Patriot. What are ‘going through?
Content Vocabulary: plantation, indentured servant, triangular trade, authority, mercantilism, patriot , loyalist , factors, strategy, boycott, tyranny, propaganda , unalienable , charter, militia, tariff, tax
Why did "No Taxation Without Representation" become the battle cry of the American Colonists?