Mr. Saindon / United States History
Monday, January 13
Friday, January 17
What is Due This Week:
1. Wrap UP and Finish: Students will MEMORIZE the First Amendment and recite in class by on by Friday
2. Prepare for the Supreme Court Simulation with mock case: Ben Brewer v. Hamilton High School:
To shed light on the landmark case: Tinker vs. Des Moines. Debate will be Thursday and Friday. The expectations, rules, and requirements Will ALL BE COVERED IN CLASS
3. Wednesday to Friday we will Thoroughly Examine ( the Major Achievements of our First Three Presidents (this will all be completed in class):
George Washington
Federalist v. Anti Federalist
the first cabinet
Farewell Address
John Adams
Election friction
England v. France
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis and Clark
Agrarian society
Through the lesson plan on "Tinker v. Des Moines" and the Simulation, students will:
👉understand the concept of symbolic speech
👉analyze the Supreme Court's decision regarding student First Amendment rights in school
👉identify the key arguments from both sides of the case, and apply the precedent set in Tinker to contemporary scenarios where student expression might be restricted;
🤔ultimately allowing us all to critically evaluate the balance between student free speech and school authority to maintain order.
👉Simulate the development and presentation of a
Supreme Court argument
The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Some classes need to wrap up Gettysburg Address Memorization
Open Book Test Due at the End of Thursday
Last Group Grade: The Play
Have a Great Summer
The Week of May 14
Start "Killing Lincoln"
Wrap-up: Readers theater/Gettysburg Address memorized / Wrap up Questions on Gettysburg
The Assassination Of Lincoln
Perform Civil War Play
Civil War Test coming up
25 Minute Civil War Battle Project Due
Your assignment is to cover a battle of the Civil War from the perspective of a historian. You will be asked to share your information with the class after some research in the computer lab. You can do a PowerPoint, exhibit board, or documentary to present the battle to the class. Copies can be made of the assignment and the rubric. Use the links.
Divide the work among members of your group. There should be no more than 3 people in a group. Have everything ready before class.
You may choose among the following battles:
First Manassas ( Bull Run)
Battles of Seven Days
Second Manassas ( Bull Run)
Wilderness (see bottom of this page for additional resources)
Spotsylvania Courthouse
Cold Harbor
Cedar Creek
Assault on Petersburg
Your presentation must include:
A description of the major events of the battle in chronological order, including the date and time of day the events happened
The generals and leaders of each army at the battle.
One or two photographs from Selected Civil War Photographs 1861 - 1865, an archive of photos from the Library of Congress.
Include at least one map of the battle to explain the action to the class. You should show starting troop positions, fortifications, physical features and landmarks, and troop movements in the battle. The American Memory Collection also hosts a Civil War Maps Collection. PBS also has a series of Civil War Maps.
What was the significance of this battle on the course of the War?
Be sure to include an eyewitness account, using a primary source such as a journal of a soldier or general, newspaper report, etc.
The following National Park Service site is good for basic facts about the battle – casualties,
campaign, etc.
This National Park Service site gives you links to some of the battlegrounds that are now national parks, which then have more information.
This site has most of the battles presented in Flash animations. It will show movements of troops and
key events of the battle. It also has buttons you can click for other information about the battle.
This site is good for finding primary sources, official military records, officers reports, etc.
The Library of Congress site is good for searching
or there are special collections of maps:
and an even better map site - Civil War Trust
and of photos:
A good information source - Virtual Reference Center Type in the location of your battle, ie. Vicksburg
More links than you should ever need can be found here on the American Civil War Homepage. Battles are near the bottom of the very long page.
A major resource for your research will be Joyce Valenza's and Len Arlen's Webquest Resources Page. Use their free links - the others belong to the school they work for.
Primary Resources can be found using the following page of links:
Other resources are (passwords are available on Edline) :
Copyright free images for school project use.
Primary resources, United States History on a timeline and more
Four encyclopedias plus an Internet guide, atlas, and videos. Includes study guides and exercises
Use this! Do not forget to click on the tab for maps & multimedia in addition to reference materials. Note - Just put the name of your battle in the search box, i.e. Cold Harbor. Do not put Battle of Cold Harbor.
Montgomery County Public Libraries
You need your library card to access their online resources. From main page go to online resources. There are biography, history, and image resources.
All pictures on this page are from Britannica.
Battle of Wilderness - Source 1
Battle of Wilderness - Source 2
Battle of Wilderness - Source 3
Cold Harbor Battle - primary sources, maps, information